A poem for Christmas Image of rough surf

The greatest gift flows only on the seas of freedom

With forgiveness, patience, kindness, absolution

Love harbors gratitude, respect, appreciation

Sailing far ‘round the trenches of commerce

Rising above the realm of rights 

No human claims the ocean

It can’t be bought, stolen, or owed

No one gains a river as a birthright

No one licks the sky as though worthy of rain

Or trades gold for the morning dew on the sails

Good ships burn to ashes 

Under the cannon fire of entitlement

What comes of charity cargo when tied by strings?

When seas of grace breed pirates

Crystal waters bleed red

Toxic arrows fly 

From the shores of demands

Piercing poison in the heart of mercy

Murdering peace

Eradicating hope, the chance for unity

Exploitive currents push hospitality

Adrift toward slavery

A manipulative course wages war against respect

That’s when love upstream must flow

Into the wind and the rain

For an open heart to find 

Love rows against the tide

Love sinks to the depths

To wrecks on ocean floors

Among those tsunami-stripped naked and washed to the sea

Exclaim the call, urge all to launch.

Join the harmonized dance over waters as one

With unearned giving and undeserved receiving

Mutual giving and edification promote reciprocal affection

Beauty comes when all dive in with their life





The greatest gift is the solidarity of Love

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