Part 1 – Escaping the endless search for self.

I read a post today by a best-selling author who shared his sense of liberation in the belief that his real self lies somewhere behind all the roles he plays or the titles he claims. The writer saw his inner being as separate from who he is at the moment. He could step away from his identity as a writer, a father, or a motivational speaker, and not lose himself. If someone offends his role or destroys his titles, he can let that roll off his back because those are superficial to his core.

It’s one thing to peel off what does not define our central core, a whole other to discover the sum of who we truly are or our life’s purpose.

Is it just me, or are you feeling worn down by an identity crisis in society? Do you bump up against distorted beliefs that dampen your hope with sharing your faith? Not to mention everyone telling us to “Be yourself! Stop trying to please everyone,” while most of us either grasp a distorted view of ourselves or struggle with who we are and what’s important.

What is our core identity?


“[Man never achieves] a clear knowledge of himself unless he has first looked upon God’s face, and then descends from contemplating Him to scrutinize himself.”

Calvin, John

Our core is affected by what we think and do. Wrong thoughts and distorted views of ourselves can lead to wrong values. When we lack the full picture of who we are, we flip-flop from self-loathing to selfishness.

Human reason is like a drunken man on horseback; set it up on one side, and it tumbles over on the other.  

Luther, Martin

The key to finding our true selves starts with understanding why God created us and how the antagonistic force of evil can hinder our ability to stay on the straight and narrow, advancing toward The One who holds our true identity.

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” — Psalm 139:23-24 NIV

What a relief to let go of self-scrutiny until we have first sought God’s face. God calls us to seek refreshment in a closer relationship with him, to set ourselves as a rock in a river of his presence, allowing him to shape and mold us into his new creation. 

I plan to write more on intimacy with God later in this series.

Next time let’s look closer at how we’re made in God’s image and move toward a firm sense of our identity.

Episode 2: MOVING TOWARD A FIRM SENSE OF IDENTITY. Coming June 28, 2021 or click the next button below.

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